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Lan­des­stel­le für ge­werb­li­che Be­rufs­för­de­rung in Ent­wick­lungs­län­dern

Pe­ter-Lenné- Schu­le
OSZ Natur und Umwelt
Hart­manns­wei­ler­weg 29
14163 Ber­lin-Zeh­len­dorf

Legal representative: Klaus Pell­mann
Data Protection Officer: Dr. Ralf Heldmann


Te­le­phone: +49 (0) 30/ 81 49 0 - 111/116
Fax: +49 (0) 30/ 81 49 01 80
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www: www.lan­des­stel­

Landestelle and Peter-Lenné-Schule are institutions of the Land of Berlin,
Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie
Berufliche und zentralverwaltete Schulen
Bernhard-Weiß-Str. 6
10178 Berlin


Thomas Kayser


© 2008 Lan­des­stel­le für ge­werb­li­che Be­rufs­för­de­rung in Ent­wick­lungs­län­dern (Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries)

All rights reserved. All information published via the Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries is approved by the Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries. The rights to the image and map materials used are held by the Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries.

The Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries provides permission for all of the contents of its website to be used, copied and duplicated in order for the user to obtain information on the Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries. Written permission from the Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries is however required prior to using this information for commercial purposes.

The layout and design of this presentation and the information contained within it are protected by copyright law. It is also necessary to observe this if the material on these internet pages are used or copied by third parties for the purpose of obtaining information.

Any registered and non-registered trademarks of the Regional Office for the Promotion of Industrial Occupations in Developing Countries or of third parties may not be used without prior written consent in advertising materials or other publications, or in conjunction with the distribution of information. All details are provided without guarantee. No liability shall be accepted for any damages that arise due to the use of published contents.


Other Copyrights:

Slideshow, Foto der BNE-Auszeichnung 2013: © DUK / Franziska Lutz

Landesstelle für gewerbliche
Berufsförderung in Entwicklungsländern

Hartmannsweilerweg 29
D 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Fon: 030 814901-44
Fax: 030 814901-80

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