Peter-Lenné-Schule - Oberstufenzentrum Natur und Umwelt
[College for agricultural management]
The Peter-Lenné-Schule is not only the largest agricultural college in Germany, it is also a multifaceted school with a special atmosphere.
Oberstufenzentrum Bautechnik I - Knobelsdorff-Schule
[College for structural engineering]
Our school belongs to the large colleges for commercial and technical vocational schools in Berlin. The Knobelsdorff School in Berlin is a vocational school in the field of structural engineering with vocational courses in civil and underground engineering, extensions of this and further associated individual vocations, vocational school for builders, specialised college and vocational grammar school.
SRH Hochschule Berlin
SRH Hochschule Berlin (formerly OTA Hochschule), founded in 2002, is a private university in Berlin. Here, students from 40 different nations attend their courses. Approximately 30 percent of the professors and teaching staff use their international background to foster an interactive and multinational didactic approach.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The Humboldt University of Berlin is Berlin's oldest university, founded in 1810 as the Alma Mater Berolinensis (University of Berlin).
SLE Berlin – Seminar für ländliche Entwicklung
Das SLE ist seit fast 60 Jahren in der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit (IZ) für Nachhaltige Entwicklung tätig. Das Angebot beinhaltet das Postgraduiertenstudium, Fortbildungskurse für internationale Fachkräfte, anwendungsorientierte Forschung und Beratung von entwicklungspolitischen Organisationen und Universitäten.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
GIZ is an service provider and assists the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation. They offer demand-driven, tailor-made and effective services for sustainable development.
inside e.V.
Förderzentrum für internationale Studierende und Wissenschaftler e.V. [centre promoting international students and scientists]
Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum – EPIZ e.V.
Zentrum für Globales Lernen
Centre for global learning
GTO – German Toilet Organization
German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) is a nonprofit organization that was founded in Berlin in October 2005. The aim of the GTO is the worldwide protection of the environment and the improvement of public health by raising awareness for clean and sustainable toilet and wastewater systems as well as their promotion and implementation.
FOR FIRST AID – Donate first-aid boxes!
The people of Sierra Leone need your help! The country lacks many things familiar to us. For First Aid collects your unused first-aid kits. Donate them!
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - BNE
BNE is a normative education concept with the objective of enabling the individual to actively participate in the analysis and evaluation of non sustainable development processes, to orientate themselves by criteria of sustainability in their own lives and to initiate sustainable development processes together with others, locally and globally.
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU
The DBU Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Environmental Foundation) is one of the largest foundations in Europe. It promotes innovative and exemplary projects for environmental protection.
Inbak – Institut für Nachhaltigkeit in Bildung, Arbeit und Kultur
Purpose of the Institute is to promote sustainable development, particularly in vocational education and training, through research, exemplary developments, networking, consulting, design and other appropriate activities.
World Garden Mongolia
World Garden Mongolia ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation des Landesstellen-Teilnehmers Dulamjav Erdenechuluun. In der Nähe der mongolischen Hauptstadt Ulaanbaatar soll ein entwaldetes Gebiet wiederaufgeforstet werden.